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The City of Edmonton is continually changing and adapting Garden Suite bylaws to better serve the people of Edmonton. For that reason, we do not keep plans on hand. With every one of our builds we refer potential clients to our designer who will custom design a Garden Suite for you that will fit your lifestyle perfectly.
If you are interested in speaking to a designer to design your suite, talk to Bob Cartney at Aurora Home Design.
If you are interested in researching more about the cities new Garden Suite bylaws CLICK HERE for a very informative PDF published by the City of Edmonton.
Beyond what is written above, Custom Garage Suites does not have plans or specs that are set in stone. The plans shown below are a sample of what you may use or adapt to better suit your needs. If these plans are of interest to you, we can give you a rough price as to how much it will cost and then work with you to lay down exactly what you would like to have in your custom garage suite. Once all the specs are finalized we can give you an exact price and then we can begin the permitting process.
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